Emily Healthcare Partners

Specializing in Chronic Care Management and PACE

Our Purpose

Our purpose is simple – Implement and Optimize CCM and PACE Services
Our team can provide the required time, expertise, and attention to ensure the successful implementation, optimization and integration of CCM (Chronic Care Management) and
PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly)

Emily Healthcare Partners

EHCP understands the unique challenges Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) face when delivering services to patients with chronic care needs and can offer tailored solutions to address the common pain points.
By partnering with EHCP, your organization can:

  1. Optimize existing CCM services and generate additional sources of revenue (FQHC only)
  2. Improve the integration of CCM and build a solid pipeline to PACE (FQHC with a PACE Program)
  3. Successfully launch a new PACE Center and/or elevate existing PACE services

Together, we can take your CCM and PACE services to the next level and enhance the quality of healthcare services you provide to your patients

The only team specializing in

Let EHCP help you today!

FQHC only

FQHC with a PACE Program

Launching a PACE Program
Existing PACE Program

Patient Care and Revenue Growth

FQHC only and FQHC with a PACE Program

FQHC only

Our approach to CCM effortlessly integrates with the health center's structure and becomes an extension of the patient's care team. We ensure patients get access to the services they need to enjoy a healthy and independent life, by focusing on patient's barriers to care.

FQHC with a PACE Program

For FQHCs with an existing PACE program, we bridge the gap between CCM and PACE, ensuring patients are matched with the most suitable program. Our services encompass identification, referral, and smooth transition, generating added revenue for the center while ensuring top-tier patient care.

Launching a PACE Program or Existing PACE Program

If you are an FQHC considering PACE or a stand-alone PACE organization, our services encompass PACE start-up and operations support, as well as strategic expansion and growth initiatives. From diagnostic assessments, to staffing strategies, we provide comprehensive solutions for optimizing PACE centers and ensuring successful and responsible growth.

PACE Start-up and New Service Area Expansion Support
Optimizing Current Operations
Growth and Expansion Strategies
Team of Experts for a Successful Integration

Our Strengths

EHCP helps you overcome common challenges


CCM and PACE Integration

Leverage our experts in CCM and PACE for a streamlined and successful integration and referral process


Help Patients Navigate the Complex Healthcare Landscape

EHCP provide guidance and support to CCM patients struggling to navigate the evolving healthcare landscape, connect them to existing clinic services you offer and stay on top of their health needs


Exceptional Patient Support Team

Our compassionate and knowledgeable patient support team is committed to providing high-quality care to patients. They offer continuous support, ensuring successful integrative care and constant improvement in your bottom line

Our offerings extend beyond conventional CCM services

  1. Our comprehensive approach leverages and integrates existing clinic services, fortifying their revenue streams while tackling the disparities rooted in social determinants of health.
  2. By addressing crucial barriers, including transportation, food and housing insecurity, and language barriers, we pave the way for equitable healthcare access for patients with chronic conditions.
  3. Our overarching objective is to facilitate access to vital healthcare services. Unlike other CCM providers, we aid patients in scheduling new appointments and ensuring awareness of existing appointments, thereby reducing no-show rates and resulting in additional revenue.

What makes EHCP unique

Our expertise makes CCM and PACE work for you

  • Team of Experts

    Founded and led by healthcare leaders with over 25 years of experience
  • CCM-PACE Integration

    10 years of experience launching and operating successful PACE Programs including the 2nd largest PACE Organization in California
  • Innovative Technology

    We developed our own innovative technology to make CCM and PACE connections for you
  • Clinical Expertise

    Embedded clinical expertise and escalation component to support CCM patients in real time
  • Patient's Well-being

    While others check a box, we take a holistic approach and care for older adult patients from start to end
  • Women & Minority Owned Business

    We foster an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion. Partners gain access to diverse perspectives and strategies, enriching their approach to patient care.

What we bring to our Partners

Enhanced and Integrated CCM | Exceptional Patient Support | Experienced Clinical Team | Revenue Growth Opportunities

Enhanced CCM: Proven Integration Success

Our goal is to offer seamless integration of CCM, PACE, and other older adult services. We become an extension of the patient’s primary care team and optimize care coordination efficiently, allowing partners to expand their CCM services and improve patient satisfaction

Exceptional Patient Support Team

Our compassionate and knowledgeable patient support team is committed to providing high-quality care to patients. Hired from the community, they understand patient needs and offer continuous support, ensuring successful integrative care which improves patient satisfaction and your bottom line

Expert Clinical Team

Our seasoned clinical experts develop personalized care plans, elevating patient care and outcomes. Partners benefit from the expertise of our multidisciplinary team, enhancing their healthcare services and improving patient outcomes

Diverse and Inclusive Culture

Our minority-owned business fosters an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion. Partners gain access to diverse perspectives and strategies, enriching their approach to patient care

Navigating Complex Healthcare Landscape

EHCP Service Coordinators provide guidance and support to CCM patients struggling to navigate the evolving healthcare landscape, connect them to existing services, and ensure patients stay on top of their health needs.

New Revenue Growth Opportunities

By enhancing CCM and PACE services, optimizing existing revenue streams and creating opportunities for new recurring revenue growth; we achieve a long lasting positive impact on your bottom line

Our Process

Working with us is simple


Discovery and Assessment

We begin by getting to know your clinic and team, understanding your goals, strengths, and areas of improvement. Through a comprehensive assessment, we identify how our partnership can best align with your vision for success


Tailored Integration Plan

Leveraging our expertise in CCM integration to your existing clinical programs and services, we create a personalized plan that seamlessly aligns with your goals and objectives. Our proven integration success ensures a smooth, seamless and efficient process


Collaborative Implementation

Our partnership is built on collaboration and support. Our team works hand in hand with yours, providing guidance and continuous assistance during the implementation phase. Together, we drive transformational change in the delivery of fully integrated CCM services


Continuous Support and Improvement

Our dedicated team is with you every step of the way. By providing ongoing assistance, support, and resources to CCM patients, we continually improve and optimize your performance and quality outcomes related to CCM

" Chronic Care Management is our business, PACE is our Specialty"
-Rosana Scolari Founder | CEO Emily Health Care Partners

I grew up in the healthcare field with a passion for uniquely addressing the healthcare needs of disenfranchised and vulnerable populations. I love building, leading, and operating successful teams and have created and implemented programs for people living with HIV, HIV prevention programs targeting the IDU population and developing innovative approaches that address the healthcare needs of older adults with chronic conditions.

As a former VP with over 25 years of experience in both the non-profit and for-profit health care systems, I learned that one of the greatest challenges in healthcare today is the lack of awareness and integration of services. Most healthcare providers offer an array of high-quality services that are often siloed, difficult to access, unknown to patients and not conducive to improving health outcomes, especially for those living with chronic conditions.

“The stories of my patients are the stories of my practice”
-Dr Lindsey Faucette Founder | CMO Emily Health Care Partners

Dr. Lindsey's journey transforms healthcare through integrating CCM and PACE program. Her academic pursuits at the University of California, Berkeley, intertwine an understanding of cultural systems with a dedication and focus on a personalized approach to patient care. Her transition to Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine mirrors our dedication to integrated care models, utilizing her skills in both traditional medicine and with a focus on the needs of underserved population health. Her practice experience as a residency teaching attending resonates with our patient-centric philosophy, emphasizing educating patients in wellness optimization.

Her training in urban family medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center, coupled with advanced training in integrative medicine, perfectly complements our commitment to comprehensive patient care. Dr. Lindsey's certifications from esteemed boards not only echo our pursuit of excellence but also highlight her integral role in the integration of CCM and PACE services. Her impactful leadership as Director of Osteopathic Education at Marian Regional Medical Center Residency aligns with our emphasis on education and growth. Dr. Lindsey's expert alignment with women’s health and care of aging populations elegantly dovetails with our service offerings, where her commitment to individualized care mirrors our approach."

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